Keynote Address: Afioga Lefaoalii Unutoa Auelua-Fonoti, Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology at the Girls in ICT Event.

Keynote Address: Afioga Lefaoalii Unutoa Auelua-Fonoti, Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.



Formal Salutation to:

• Reverend – Falevaai Ah Kuoi

• Madam Director of ITU Regional Office, Ms Atsuko Okuda

• Diplomatic Corp

• Teachers, Parents, Boys and Girls

• Ladies and Gentlemen

It is with great pleasure to be here with you this morning in the celebration of the GIRLS IN ICT DAY 2024. I am here to speak on behalf of the Hon Minister of ICT Afioga Hon Toelupe Poumulinuku Onesemo who is unavailable due to his many official commitments, and the government of Samoa to address you all today.

This is an annual event hosted by the Office of the Regulator in line with international programmes of the International Telecommunications Union.

(So, this is not a small event). This is the thirteenth event of its kind in Samoa, and in 2018 we celebrated it in the big island of Savaii for the first time. Taking this to Savaii was a great achievement for us in bringing awareness to the ladies living in the Big Island. But I am prouder of the fact that it was during our time at OOTR back in 2011 who recommended this and started celebrating this special day to the then Regulator Donnie De Freitas.

I would also like at this point to acknowledge the ITU and their continue support to all member countries including Samoa on many aspects of ICT, Engineering, Broadcasting, Telecommunication and Connectivity. I also acknowledge the presence here today of Madam Atsuko Okuda who is the ITU Regional Director which covers the whole of Asia Pacific and Australasia.

This year’s theme for the Girls in ICT Day celebrations is “LEADERSHIP”, to underscore the critical need for strong female role models in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Although the situation in Samoa is different, with women (girls) outnumbering men (boys) in filling high-skill occupations, the boy’s participation in STEM related fields continue to be low. In terms of Leadership roles in the work force, the situation is quite different. Women (girls) are nearly absent from software development, engineering, technology research, academia as well as at the highest levels of policy making.

While there is a leadership gender gap in every industry, the largest gaps are found in the STEM fields. Girls in ICT often find themselves in junior or supporting roles rather than in managerial roles, with little opportunity for advancement. They are also less likely to hold an executive position, become ICT entrepreneurs or be represented among science and technology policymakers. To succeed in STEM, girls and young women must be exposed to women in leadership positions, fostering inspiration and breaking barriers that hinder their progress.

Now I would like to turn to the girls and boys who are celebrating with us here today.

This is your day. Take part in ongoing discussions, you should confidently take the floor, engage, and lead the conversation! We need your imagination to obliterate the word impossible. Everything that you dream, is Possible especially the creation of a more digitally inclusive and equitable future. We need you to lead the technological revolution that is redefining our world. You can easily become a Leader in ICTs if you are not afraid to speak up when you attend meetings or conference and write about your experience.

Let me remind you that Girls in ICT Day celebration is about Leadership. Do away with the notion that a leader is just a title. A leader is a dreamer with a vision for change and gets the job done. So, in cases where things seem tough, that is where leaders stand out and stand up! Technology is a tool, be it Artificial Intelligence, Big Data or Internet of Things. If you master these technologies, combined with your boldness to succeed, you will emerge a winning leader.

For this years’ Girls in ICT Day, I am urging and inviting you to make a life changing choice here and now, to utilize the knowledge that you attain today and during your studies seeking leadership opportunities to serve various capacities in the ICT sector including engineer, IT programmer, lawyer and economist specialized in the field of ICT, and more. Your contribution big or small makes a difference not only for yourself but your family, village and Samoa.

I commend the foresight of the Principals and Teachers of schools who have accepted the invitation to participate in this year’s event and I am confident it is a positive leadership decision, Faafetai tele.

On that note, today offers you a path to experience and knowledge in the digital society, with which creates so many opportunities that will shape our Samoa as a modernized nation.

So as a special note for all the girls and boys here, I wish you all the best in overcoming the impossible should you choose a career path in Information and Communication Technology Leadership.

God Bless and Soifua

SOURCE: Radio 2AP & TV 9

Samoa’s Minister for ICT calls for global unity

Samoa’s Minister for Information and Communications Technology (MCIT) has called for global unity to address challenges in the digital era.

Hon. Toelupe Poumulinuku Onesemo is in London this week representing Samoa at the inaugural Ministerial Alliance for Digital Nations facilitated by the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization.

Dedicated to affordable universal broadband connectivity, the meeting brings together ICT and Telecommunications Ministers from the Commonwealth to deliberate on the concerns and challenges being faced by Commonwealth countries in achieving affordable universal broadband connectivity.

Also joining the Ministers are Senior ICT policy makers and regulators, Captains of ICT industry, C-level executives of ICT organisations, and Heads of international and regional organisations.

Hon. Toelupe is accompanied by the Chief Executive Officer of MCIT, Lefaoali’i Unutoa Auelua where the duo enlightened the audience on Samoa’s commitment to provide free internet to schools as part of the government’s vision to fostering social harmony, safe and freedom for all.

“And to ensure that we stay committed to that vision, one of our priorities is creating transformative opportunities through the innovative use of information and communication technology,” Hon. Toelupe told the audience.

“This year, the government of Samoa used satellite to offer free internet to about 95 per cent of schools in Samoa. If we are to stay true to our future of digital transformation, we should start from our young ones.”

Small island economies like Samoa will always be challenged by the fast changing digital era where resources are critical to ensure national access and affordability.  However, Hon. Toelupe strongly believes in encouraging equal treatment of everyone through the digitization process.

“Samoa has its own challenges from infrastructural upgrades to policy and legislation framework, to connectivity concerns and the need for ICT funding support, the threshold question is, so much we would like to transform the lives of o citizens through digitization of their daily lives but their safety from cyberattacks and bullying?”
