What We Do?
To provide access to appropriate
and affordable ICT for all
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To develop fundamental ICT development skills that can
address local and regional needs
To utilize ICT as a mean for enhancing the effectiveness,
efficiency, inclusiveness, accountability and transparency of
state government

Tala Fa'atatau

O anafea na fa'avaeina ai le Matagaluega?

O le Matagaluega o Fesootaiga ma Faamatalaga Tekonolosi (MCIT) a Samoa na faavaeina i lalo o le Tulafono o Auaunaga Tau Fesootaiga 1999.

Aisea na faatuina ai le Matagaluega?

The Ministry was established with its goal to lead the ICT industry in the country and also the region in broadband communications

What are the core functions of the Ministry?

join the success

Ia iloa o matou ta'itaí

Afioga Toelupe Poumulinuku Onesemo na tofia e avea ma Minisita o Feso’otaiga ma Fa’amatalaka Fa’atekonolosi, Ofisa o le Pule Fa’atonu, Falemeli ma Fa’asalalauga ma le Ofisa o le Fono Aoao o Samoa mai le aso 24 Me 2021. O le Afioga Toelupe na a’oa’oina i le Univesite o Uelese i Saute, Sini Ausetalia ma fa’ae’e iai ona tusi pasi maululuga mo mataupu tau Inisinia, aemaise ai lona fa’ailoga muamua i galuega fa’ainisiania lava. Sa fa’au’uina ma maua isi ona fa’ailoga taualoa mai le Univesite o le Pasefika mo mataupu tau numera, fisiki ma faituaga o numera.
Lefaoalii Unutoa Auelua-Fonoti is the CEO for the Ministry of Communication Information Technology. She is from the villages of Mutiatele, Lotopue and holds the chiefly matai tittle Lefaoalii from Lepa. Lefaoalii holds a Master of Engineering in Management Engineering from the University of Southern Queensland in Brisbane Australia. As well as a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and an Advanced Diploma of Engineering in Electronics from RMIT University in Melbourne Australia.

Our Core Values


Ia ofoina atu auaunaga tau ICT taugofie, talafeagai, maua ma fa'amautu e fa'alauiloa ai le soifua manuia lautele ma le tamaoaiga ma le tulaga lelei o le olaga


Ia fa'aleleia le tulaga lelei o auaunaga fa'atekinolosi e ausia ma sili atu i fa'amoemoega o tagata Samoa uma


Matou te taumafai e taʻitaʻia le itulagi i Fesoʻotaʻiga Broadband e ala i auaunaga tau fesoʻotaʻiga taugofie, faʻalagolago ma malupuipuia mo tagata uma

Our Projects

Smart Island

Fa'aaogaina se faiga fou e momoli atu ai le feso'ota'iga ma auaunaga fa'alautele ma gafataulimaina i nu'u o le motu o Manono

Last Mile

 Fa'ata'ita'i ni ta'iala fou e fa'alautele ai feso'ota'iga i le motu o Savaii

School Connectivity

Tu'uina atu se feso'ota'iga initaneti maua fua, fa'atuatuaina, ma vave lelei e fa'aleleia ai le a'oa'oga aoga. 

Matou Tautua


Lipoti so'o se fa'alavelave fa'ainitaneti ma su'e pe fa'afefea ona e puipuia oe lava mai osofa'iga i luga ole laiga mai le matou Computer Emergency Response Team 


O lo'o galulue malosi lo matou 'au inisinia i tua atu o fa'amalama e fa'amautinoa ma tausia auaunaga mautu ma taugofie e ala i la matou alatele o feso'ota'iga fa'atekonolosi a le atunu'u.

Radio 2AP and TV9

Tuuina atu auaunaga tau fa'asalalauga ma fa'amautinoa le fa'asalalauina lelei o fa'amatalaga ma Auaunaga a le Malo mo se fa'amatalaga, a'oa'oina ma fa'alauiloa lautele.

News & Events

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