Vaega o Fa'asalalauga

Our Work

ĀLĀLEO O LE 2AP (“Si’ufofoga o Samoa”)

O le ulua’i alaleo lenei i le tala faasolopito o le atunuu sa faavaeina i le 1947. I le taimi nei, oloo vaaia lenei auaunaga e le Matagaluega o Feso’ota’iga ma Faamatalaga Televavave Faaneionapo talu mai le 2008. O le va’aiga taula’i a le Mālō mo le alaleo o le avea lea ma puna’oa autu i le tuuina atu o faamatalaga, fautuaga, lapata’iga ma saunoaga aloaia i le atunuu. E le gata i lea e avea ma fola o fesoota’iga e faalauiloa ai taaloga ma isi faamoemoe tetele a le Malo e ala i faasalalauga tu’usa’o.


Since the country’s transformation into digitising its services, the re-introduction of its television service has provided value to delivering information to the public at large. Operating on its trading name, TV9, the television channel will provide the same service as Radio 2AP in informing the public about development initiatives of the government.


O le ala leo lenei ua aloaia e tuuina atu ai fautuaga, taualumaga ma faamatalaga tuli tatao mo taimi o faalavelave faa-le-natura. O le naunauta’iga o lenei ‘aua’unaga tau faasalalauga a le Malo ina ia tuuina atu faamatalaga ma le māgafagafa i aafiaga, sa’o ma atoatoa i taimi o soo se faalavelave faa-le-natura ma soo se poloa’iga o faalavelave faafuasei. E taua tele lea ina ia maua e le atunuu faamatalaga taua e ala i ripoti ma faasalalauga e tuu atu.

Faalauiloaina Faiga Fa'avae

O le matafaioi lea fito i tonu lea a Auaunaga Tau Faaslalauga a le Malo (2AP & TV9) o le galulue faatasi ma Matagaluega a le Malo e tuuina atu ripoti ma faasalalauga faalauiloa o faiga faavae a le malo ma isi ana atina’e mo le silafia e le atunuu oloo ālala ma pāpā aao i Samoa nei ma atunuu i fafo.

Tala Fou

O tulaga faavae o le faatinoina o le auaunaga a tusitala ma le au faasalalau a le ālaleo ma le āla ata a le Malo oloo lima ta’ita’iina e le Taiala o le Faatinoga o Galuega a Tusitala ma Ofisa Faasalalau 2017. O le tiute faaletulafono a auaunaga a le Malo ina ia maoa’e le faatinoga ma mulimulita’ia nei taiala o talafou ma faamatalaga.


Le Si’ufofoga o Samoa (Radio 2AP) has served as Samoa’s primary information source since 1947, broadcasting emergency warnings, official messages, and cultural content. As part of the Broadcasting Services Division, we increase sales through marketing campaigns for events like Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and White Sunday across Radio 2AP, TV9, and social media. Our coverage reaches neighboring islands including Tutuila, Manu’a, and Tokelau, while our ZENO APP connects Radio 2AP internationally. The 10pm Pese Molimana’o Show remains our most popular program, attracting clients throughout the region.

Our team

The dedicated people serving our Samoan public

Ms. Misa Victoria Lepou

ACEO Broadcasting Services

Ext. 2000

Ms. Mausiisii Leutu Mose

Principal Programmer & Producer


Ext. 2002

Ms. Tafilipepe Dawn Momoemausu

Senior Programmer & Producer


Mr. Vaele Iasepi Masoe

Senior Camera Operator

Ms. Patricia Ropati-Salanoa

Senior Marketing Officer

Ext. 2005

Mr. Isaia Luteru

Senior MCR

Ms. Fetalai Martha Faavae

Senior News Reporter

Ms. Coreen Samuelu

Marketing Officer


Mr. Moeona Folasa


Mr. Dwayne Tupai


Mr. Matauaina Isaako




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