Lefaoalii Unutoa Auelua-Fonoti is the CEO for the Ministry of Communication Information Technology. She is from the villages of Mutiatele, Lotopue and holds the chiefly matai title Lefaoalii from Lepa.
O Lefaoalii ua maea suesueina ma ua maua ona fa’ailoga maualuluga mai le Iunivesite o Kuinisilani, Pirisipeni, Ausetalia. Ma sa fa’auu foi ona fa’ailoga fa’ainisinia aemaise ai lona tipiloma mai le Iunivesite Melepone (RMIT), Ausetalia lava.
O ia o le Taitaifono o le Komiti mo Atinaeina o Fesootaiga a le APT. Sa avea o ia o le tamaitai muamua ma o le Samoa muamua foi lea e fa’auluulu iai le Ofisa o le Pule Fa’atonu mo Feso’otaiga, Fa’asalalauga, Falemeli ma Eletise. Sa avea foi ma Fa’auluuluga o le Fa’a TV ua fa’aigoaina o le Samoa Digital Company Ltd.
Ua atoa nei le 20 tausaga o galue i le Malo ma Fa’alapotopotoga Tumaoti o se inisinia. E iai foi totonu o le Komiti Fa’atonu o le Toomaga mo e Puapuagatia.
O le Afioga Lefaoalii e toa lima (5) ona alo ma o se tagata lotu o le Ekalesia Katoliko Saleufi.
Leasoiloafaleupolu Ronnie Aiolupotea
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Leasoiloafaleupolu began his career in Government, with the Treasury Department in 1999, following his studies at the University of South Pacific in Fiji. He subsequently joined the Samoa Audit Office and the Ministry of Communications and IT.
After earning his Masters degree in Information Technology from the University of Newcastle in Australia, he returned to public service at the Office of the Regulator.
Currently, he serves as the Deputy CEO of the Ministry of Communications and IT. Additionally, Leaso is an active member of the Samoa Information Technology Association since its establishment in 2002.